Relational Equity—Your Greatest Asset

Relational Equity—Your Greatest Asset

“You will only be able to reach your potential—regardless of your profession or chosen path—when you learn to connect with other people.” 

John Maxwell 

 Recently we were asked by an up-and-coming leader in his industry to share our top piece of advice—something he could apply to his life, both personally and professionally. The question didn’t surprise us because, over the past several decades, many leaders have sought similar counsel from our leadership development team. 

At LEADon®, we have numerous “golden nuggets” that we pass on to the leaders with whom we work.  For this post, we’d like to share one of our favorites when it comes to transformational leadership: Relational equity is the greatest asset you’ll ever possess. 

“Now wait a minute,” we’ve heard more than one leader respond. “What about profits? What about my portfolio? Aren’t those important assets for me to focus on?” 

And our answer typically is, “Sure, they’re important, but you won’t be profitable without quality relationships.” 

We’re not alone in these sentiments.  In his book, Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, author John Maxwell points out that “connecting is vital for any person who wants to achieve success” (p. 9). And, as his quote that starts this blog confirms, the ability to develop and maintain healthy, happy relationships will be the only way to reach your optimal potential in life.  

Once leaders have accepted the reality of this “golden nugget,” the next natural question is, “Okay, then how do I go about getting more Relational Equity with others?” Usually, the most stressed about how we’re going to answer this question are C-level executives who are already burning the candle at both ends (see our blog Creating Life Balance if you feel you might fall into this category).   

Fortunately, the truth is that developing Relational Equity in your personal and professional life may not be as stressful as you think.  Indeed, in chapter 5 of LEADon’s book, Revolutionary Leadership:  Transcendent Lessons from the life of George Washington (2023), we explain that this process requires the implementation of three simple “T’s”:   

  • Make time for others. 
  • Use your talents in ways that benefit others. 
  • Be sure others know how much they are treasured by you. 

Let’s start with may appear to be the most challenging of these “T’s” for today’s leaders: 

Time.  Talk about a valuable asset!  For many in leadership, there never seems to be enough time to complete daily needs let alone accomplish what they’d like to do.  However, the team at LEADon has discovered that those leaders who carve out time for people are not only successful but also seem to feel they’re leading significant lives.  And, let’s face it, when each of us reaches the end of life’s journey, we’re not going to be reflecting on the year in which we made the most profits, nor will we be focused on our financial portfolio.  More than likely, we’ll be mindful of those individuals around us, the “others” we invested time with during life’s journey. 

As opposed to time, Talents are something most leaders have in abundance.  What are yours?  Do you share that giftedness with your family—whether it’s your personal or Corporate Family®?  Talent isn’t only about professional skill sets but also interests, hobbies, and practical insight.  Perhaps, like Maxwell, you’re an exceptional communicator.  Can you pass this skill on to others in your professional and personal spheres of influence? 

Finally, if you really want to positively impact another human being, let that person know what they mean to you—and be specific about the ways they are Treasured. At LEADon, we call this establishing a healthy Culture of Appreciation—and again, we encourage you to strive to create this type of environment in your personal and professional life. This is as easy as saying something to an individual as you pass them in the hall to sending a short message about a positive characteristic or circumstance you’ve observed (check out our online course, LEADing with a Culture of Appreciation® for additional recommendations). 

The team at LEADon has witnessed how improving connections with others and developing Relational Equity have dramatically changed the lives of leaders just like you.  And we’ve experienced this same impact in our own spheres of influence, which led to our motto “We measure our success through your success.” If we can help you and your team become more successful in developing Relational Equity, please contact us at 858.592.0700—or visit for more information.