
Relational Equity—Your Greatest Asset

“You will only be able to reach your potential—regardless of your profession or chosen path—when you learn to connect with other people.”  John Maxwell   Recently we were asked by an up-and-coming leader in his industry to share our top piece of advice—something he could apply to his life, both personally and professionally. The question didn’t […]


Creating Life Balance

The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it.  Anonymous  Mike Johnson’s story is unfortunately too familiar.  He’d been elevated to the CEO position after years of hard work, thinking to himself that some point soon his fast-paced lifestyle would eventually ease up.  It didn’t.  In fact, the demands of his professional life, […]


Recommended Summer Reads

Many individuals look for good books to read over the summer, and leaders often ask us about what we’d recommend among the multitude of resources available so they can increase their professional impact.  Needless to say, we always have plenty of suggestions for them.  We’d love to share some with you as well—but first, consider […]


Community Service—Core Value or Competitive Edge?

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”   Mahatma Gandhi  Perhaps there has always been a need for people to “find themselves”—that is, discover who they really are and what their purpose in life ought to be.  Yet for those of us living in the second decade of […]


Managing Stress to Avoid Burnout

“There cannot be a stressful crisis next week. My schedule is already full.” Henry Kissinger  Did you know that almost 70% of C-level leaders were considering leaving their jobs in 2022 in order to find a position that better supported their health? The Deloitte survey which included 2100 people from the U.S., U.K., Canada, and […]


Humility and Humor

Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you. Langston Hughes As summer sizzles its way across the Northern Hemisphere, many people who complained mere months ago about the cold weather would welcome the slightest amount of precipitation. Whether a simple spritz or sudden downpour, hot temperatures […]


Revolutionary Leadership

When a long term client requested we write another leadership book in 2018, the team at LEADon® felt complimented—but we had no plans to put “pen to paper” any time soon.  We were in the midst of revamping our website while also completing the filming of over thirty online courses.  Members of the team were […]


Luck and Leadership

Isn’t it interesting how certain achievements in life are often ascribed to luck?  For instance, we hear things like, “He’s fortunate he received that great promotion” or “What an awesome bonus—she’s so lucky she got one.”  This arbitrary luck-factor isn’t just reserved for professional accomplishments.  People admire others for their great marriage, good kids, nice […]

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Our online EQ metric and 30+ online courses are all designed for your Personal, Team and Executive LEADership. LEADon® provides supplementary research-based resources The Leading Edge: 9 Strategies for Improving Internal and Intentional Leadership and Corporate Family Matters: Creating and Developing Organizational Dynasties. LEADon® also offers numerous blogs, podcasts and white papers on relevant topics for today’s exceptional leaders.

LEADon Services

Online learning can provide valuable knowledge in a convenient delivery method, however, we recognize that there are times that you may be left with a desire for more. We can provide onsite consultation, keynotes, WebEx, and coaching. Please contact us if you have additional needs that you believe we can help you or your company with.

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