Setting G.O.A.L.S. in the New Year
Would it surprise you to discover that about 23% of people who make goals each January will give them up by the end of the first week? And did you know that as the month concludes, 43% will have left those goals by the wayside? If this kind of abandonment occurs during a time traditionally […]
Investing Wisely: Talent Matters
As many experts predicted, the increased demand for employees that prompted generous salaries along with great benefits couldn’t last forever. Indeed, before spring had sprung in 2023, some of the largest tech giants along with other pandemic-surviving organizations had to lay off talent in surprising numbers. Despite the unexpected downsizing, “employers remain sensitive to how […]
Caring for Your Corporate Culture
Store Purpose: To create an uplifting and delightful experience for everyone that walks through our doors!! Posted at an El Cajon, California coffee shop Upon reading the words displayed just inside a local coffee establishment, the average customer would expect a thoroughly enjoyable experience from start to finish. Unfortunately, the bright interior and exhilarating aroma […]
Improving Your Leadership with ‘The Rule of Thirds’
“Why are you always focused on the negative people in your sphere of influence? You’re wasting time and energy on them. Moving forward, focus on the people who will listen to what you have to say.” These words of advice were shared by a mentor many years ago after a challenging leadership event. That guidance […]
Dealing with the “Great Resignation” Dilemma Part II
“I subscribe to the great resignation 100%. I have yet to work for a company with a great culture, (that) appreciates me and values my time. I’ve been worn down to nubs, and I’ve only been in the corporate world for 11 years.” This unsolicited testimony came via email to LEADon® in November 2021 during […]
Reuniting Your Corporate Family®, Part III
Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. Desmond Tutu We’d like to begin this final blog in our series about reuniting your Corporate Family® with a question: What do people in your organization need in order to feel appreciated and motivated? […]
Service Orientation: Anticipating, Recognizing, and Meeting Other’s Needs
Who is your role model when it comes to serving the needs of others? Do you have anyone on your team who is exemplary in their service to clients and members of your Corporate Family®? If you’re struggling to identify someone, let us introduce you to Lillian. Lillian happens to be the customer service representative […]
Conscientiousness: Taking Responsibility for Personal Performance
Restaurant Impossible is a reality television show most people can relate to since dining out is not only a favorite pastime but also necessary for many individuals in today’s busy society. The host of the show, Robert Irvine, and his talented team renovate failing restaurants in an astounding 48-hours—décor, menus, and customer service are totally […]