Self-Confidence: Sureness in Your Own Self-Worth and Your Capabilities

Several LEADon® team members have become obsessed with the television police drama Blue Bloods, so much so that they’ve admitted to binge-watching past seasons.  Part of the allure of this show has been observing how the New York City Police Commissioner, Frank Reagan, handles the many ups and downs in his personal and professional life—always […]


A Novel Look at Innovation

For many people, innovation is a term that is usually connected to imaginative individuals who accomplish extraordinary things. Da Vinci, Curie, and Tesla are such names we all recognize. Indira Gandhi, Bill Gates, and Oprah come to mind in more recent times. What you may not realize is that Innovativeness is an EQ characteristic that […]


Accurate Self-Assessment: The Powerful Potential of EQ

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ― C.G. Jung I came across a quote from a famous comedian that read, “I think I’m pretty self-aware”—and it did make me laugh.  Why?  Because isn’t this the way we all feel […]


Building Bonds: EQ and the Generations at Work

Most of us know individuals with great emotional and relational competency, and those people can build bonds with others in ways that create synergy and long-term success.   So how can the rest of us improve this invaluable skill of relating to others so we too can build exceptional rapport and deep relational bonds? If you’ve […]


Developing Others: Mentoring and EQ

Master + Model + Mentor = Ever-forward Transformation.  This is the three-step process LEADon encourages all leaders to follow as they strive to not only improve their own lives but also positively influence those they lead, personally and professionally.  Impacting the lives of others involves intentional development.  In EQ (Emotional Quotient) terminology, this falls under […]


Much Ado About Conflict?

Most people are cognizant of the reality of conflict in their lives—personally and professionally. But have you spent much time considering the impact unresolved conflict has on the bottom line of most businesses? A study was conducted in 2008 by CPP Inc. (publishers of the Myers-Briggs Assessment and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument) on this […]


How Does Influence Impact My EQ?

Standing beside the ancient moorings at the ruins of Pompeii, no one in our group needed a tour guide to explain that something had dramatically transformed the landscape centuries ago.  This former boat landing for a once bustling city is now far from the water’s edge—forever changed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79A.D.  […]


Trustworthiness: Maintaining Standards of Honesty and Integrity

At LEADon we’re often asked: “If I could simply work on one of the 25 characteristics of Emotional Quotient (EQ), which one should it be?”  This is a great question—and, according to many business experts, there’s a simple answer:  Trustworthiness. Why is trustworthiness such an essential characteristic on which leaders should focus? Perhaps the opening […]

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Our online EQ metric and 30+ online courses are all designed for your Personal, Team and Executive LEADership. LEADon® provides supplementary research-based resources The Leading Edge: 9 Strategies for Improving Internal and Intentional Leadership and Corporate Family Matters: Creating and Developing Organizational Dynasties. LEADon® also offers numerous blogs, podcasts and white papers on relevant topics for today’s exceptional leaders.

LEADon Services

Online learning can provide valuable knowledge in a convenient delivery method, however, we recognize that there are times that you may be left with a desire for more. We can provide onsite consultation, keynotes, WebEx, and coaching. Please contact us if you have additional needs that you believe we can help you or your company with.

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