Luck and Leadership
Isn’t it interesting how certain achievements in life are often ascribed to luck? For instance, we hear things like, “He’s fortunate he received that great promotion” or “What an awesome bonus—she’s so lucky she got one.” This arbitrary luck-factor isn’t just reserved for professional accomplishments. People admire others for their great marriage, good kids, nice […]
Caring for Your Corporate Culture
Store Purpose: To create an uplifting and delightful experience for everyone that walks through our doors!! Posted at an El Cajon, California coffee shop Upon reading the words displayed just inside a local coffee establishment, the average customer would expect a thoroughly enjoyable experience from start to finish. Unfortunately, the bright interior and exhilarating aroma […]
MEPS: Four Steps to Leadership Fitness
“The groundwork for all happiness is good health.” Leigh Hunt, English essayist and poet Who among us doesn’t want to start the new year out right? Even before the old year passes, many leaders are looking for ways to improve—personally and professionally. Regrettably, these good intentions are often intermingled with the realization that past attempts […]
Charisma: A Gift for You?
Who doesn’t enjoy getting a gift? No matter the season or celebration, something surprising or unexpected is a delight to receive. Bringing even more joy is that unique “gift that keeps on giving”—something that continues to offer meaning for weeks, months, or years. Would it surprise you to know that charisma is that type of […]
Optimism: The Fountain of Youth?
Wellness has long been a topic of interest for LEADon® clientele, especially during the past few years as many leaders have stretched themselves to the limit helping their organizations survive and Corporate Family® members thrive. LEADon’s BALANCE philosophy has been a staple of our leadership approach to well-being (more on this later), but there is […]
Fostering Creativity
You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. Maya Angelou During a recent corporate event, several executives shared their concerns about dwindling creativity. In this company’s case, creativity is paramount to survival and continued success in order to produce new product for their customer base. Their level of anxiety seemed […]
Calming the Storm: Self-Regulation at Work
Self-management is the ability to keep disruptive emotions and impulses under control. This is a powerful skill for leaders, especially during a crisis — because people (will) look to them for reassurance, and if their leader is calm, they can be, too. Daniel Goleman, author, psychologist, and emotional intelligence expert Perhaps there is no other domain of […]
3 T’s for Terrific Communication
In a previous blog entitled Communication 201: Best Practices for Personal and Professional Connections, the LEADon® team detailed specific strategies leaders can implement to improve how their Corporate Family® communicates. At the end of that blog, we mentioned three essential “T’s” for terrific communication, and we’d like to expand on those here. In essence, to […]