Boldly Leading
We recently covered the failures of the Galactic Empire that you can learn from in the Star Wars series. In this post we wanted to continue to learn from some of our favorite science fiction stories. This time we will explore the leadership lessons we can learn from one of the most famous captains from […]
This is Your Brain. This is your Brain on Technology
With the anticipated approach of Apple’s latest and greatest “toy,” I started thinking about all the different ways that technology has impacted our lives. It has made us more efficient—I can now respond to an email while listening to a live newscast as I check out at the grocery store. But have any of us […]
Open-Loop Systems
As a Physician, I am confronted daily with the human body’s closed-loop systems. Take the cardiovascular system, for example—the heart beats, blood is pumped from the heart through an intricate network of tunnels that nourish the extremities of the body, and the blood returns. My circulatory system functions rhythmically throughout the day and is self-regulating. […]
“Your Lack of Faith Disturbs Me”
A blog post for Forbes Magazine recently covered the major lessons that can be learned from the Galactic Empires’ leadership mistakes in the original Star Wars trilogy. The author discusses five mistakes that leaders in our world should learn from. While you can read the original post at the Forbes website, but here is a […]
The Keys to Setting Personal Boundaries
Learning to set appropriate boundaries is an essential part of everyday life. It is especially vital to being an exceptional leader. While none of us can force anyone to act in healthy and meaningful ways, we can set boundaries. Offering someone a choice in how to relate is an opportunity we all have and should […]
Leaders Improve Their Impact with Empathic Listening
Have you ever been in a discussion with someone and thought, “I don’t have time for this?” We all rush through our roles and responsibilities with tasks to accomplish, people to help, and goals to meet. Without thinking, it’s easy to forget how to listen and then jump to inaccurate conclusions. But there is a […]
If You’re Micro-Managing, You’re not Leading
A few days ago, the Harvard Business Review blog discussed how it is in the best interest for executives and project managers to micro-manage their teams. In that blog, the recent multi-billion dollar loss of JPMorgan and Chase under CEO Jamie Diamond was used as an example of why business leaders need to micro-manage everything […]
Corporate Family Matters
One of our core beliefs at LEADon is that every workplace is comprised of a Corporate Family. In fact, the most important and vital aspect of a ‘Corporation’ is its Corporate Family. The ‘Bottom Line’ is most impacted by the nature and character of the Corporate Family. This is a provocative statement especially given the […]